
【東方Funky House】 Skittish Accelarator 「IZMIZM」

☆ミ Title: Skittish Accelarator
☆ミ Album: Skittish Accelarator EP
☆ミ Circle: IZMIZM

♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement: izna
一 (Twitter)→ https://twitter.com/izna_izmizm
一 (Soundcloud)→ https://soundcloud.com/izna_izmizm
♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」

☯彡 Original Title: おてんば恋娘 (Meaning "Tomboyish Girl in Love".) / Stage 2 Boss - Cirno's Theme
☯彡 Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Touhou Koumakyou, meaning "Eastern Lands of the Scarlet Devil".)

✧彡 Event: Touhou Kouroumu 10 「東方紅楼夢10」
✧彡 Release Date: Oct 12, 2014
✧彡 Album Genre: House, Electro&Techno — Touhou Electronic Arrangement Album.

✿彡 Picture Artist: ロゼア (Rozea)
✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=356025
✿彡 Illustration Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=24423649
✿彡 Character: Cirno 「チルノ」

Enjoy!(っ˘ω˘ς ) ♬♪♫

Its been a while since i last posted something so i wanted to share this chilly track which is the theme arrange of Cirno in this hot days. Hope you guys are doin' great and enjoy another great arrange by izna who is my fav electronic arranger outta there!

Have a great day!



I don't own anything in this video, including the audio and picture. The credits goes their respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!


Please contact me if you're the owner of this song and want to remove it from this channel!
I will instantly delete the video.

Contact me via e-mail or leave me message in the comment section below: nitorikappashiro@gmail.com

Thank you!